
ciencia2O ano das macabras “vacinas experimentais” acumulou 5.482.865 mortes atribuídas ao vírus chinês, em todo mundo. Um aumento de 196% em relação ao ano anterior, 2020, quando as tais “vacinas” ainda não tinham sido lançadas, segundo relatório semanal da (des)Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS, https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/weekly-epidemiological-update-on-covid-19—11-january-2022). Não obstante os tristes resultados, todo alarmismo montado em torno da pandemia dos hospitais vazios foi elaborado por conta de menos de 0,07% de mortalidade na população existente em todo planeta. O que significa que 99,9% de todos habitantes na Terra passaram incólumes os dois anos principais desde a criação do vírus pelo laboratório chinês, sob encomenda de burocratas e especialistas estadunidenses. Maiores danos foram causados pelas políticas neofascistas de isolamento social, bloqueio econômico, censura, proibição de locomoção e discriminação abomináveis perpetradas pelo autoritarismo sanitário totalitário. Sem falar da perda irreparável no desenvolvimento das crianças pobres, em fase de alfabetização.

We are the 99%
por Darren Smith (Darren Nesbitt)

(G) You can stick your new world order up your ass
You can stick your new world order up your (D) ass
(G) You can stick your new world order, where the (C) sun don’t shine but oughta
(G) You can stick your new world (D) order up your (G) ass

Chorus (repeat after every verse):
(G) singing we are the 99 percent
singing we are the 99 (D) percent
(G) singing we are the 90, (C) together we are mighty
(G) we are the (D) 99 (G) percent

the queen will be arrested in her dressing gown
the queen will be arrested in her dressing gown
queen will be arrested in her, cause she is such a sinner
the queen will be arrested in her dressing gown

you can stick your corporation up your ass
you can stick your corporation up your ass
you can stick your corporation, we’re a free and sovereign nation
stick your corporation up your ass

you can stick your 5g tower up your ass
you can stick your 5g tower up your ass
you can stick your 5g tower, its a microwave on full power
stick your 5g tower up your ass

there’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone
there’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone
there’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails, and their evil plan fails
there’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone

you can stick your (phony virus) coronavirus up your ass
you can stick your coronavirus up your ass
you can stick your coronavirus, you know they’re proven liars
stick your coronavirus up your ass

you can stick your great reset up your ass
you can stick your great reset up your ass
you can stick your great reset, cause the people they don’t know yet
stick your great reset up your ass

you can stick your poison vaccines up your ass
you can stick your tv programs up your ass
you can stick your gmo foods, we ain’t gonna go school
you can stick your georgian castles (not sure if this is correct) up your ass

you can stick your poison vaccines up your ass
you can stick your poison vaccines up your ass
you can stick your poison vaccines, they cause all the disease
stick your poison vaccines up your ass

I would rather be a human than a slave
oh I’d rather be a human than a slave
oh I’d rather be a human, don’t you know that you can
rather be a human than a slave

You can stick your new world order up your ass
You can stick your new world order up your ass
You can stick your new world order, where the sun don’t shine but oughta
You can stick your new world order up your ass

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