Da Higiene


Of old, when folk were sick and sorely tried
The doctors gave them physic, and they died;
But here’s a happier age, for now we know
Both how to make men sick and keep them so.

[Outrora, quando as pessoas ficavam doentes e penosamente cansadas
Os doutores davam-lhes um remédio, e elas morriam caladas;
Mas esta é uma era mais feliz, agora, sabemos
Tanto fazer homens adoecer, como assim mantê-los.]
“On Hygiene”, in Verses de Joseph Hilaire Pierre Réné Belloc (1870-1953)

Referência Bibliográfica

BELLOC, J.H.P.R. Verses. – New York: Lawrence J. Gomme, 1916. Disponível na Internet via http://www.gutenberg.org/6/0/4/8/60487/. Arquivo consultado 2021.

Lógica Cientificista

…Enquanto isso, no laboratório do Dr. Fraudcistein.

Nós precisamos vacinar você para proteger os vacinados…

– E não se esqueça: se algum vacinado morrer com outra doença, a culpa é da comorbidade.
Agora, quando um não vacinado com o vírus chinês morrer por outra doença,
a causa da morte é o corona, viu!?

Fonte da Imagem: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2021-09-19/young-fraudcistein, por WILLIAMBANZAI7

This Has Gotta Stop

O deus da guitarra, Eric Clapton, lançou seu mais novo sucesso This Has Gotta Stop, em 27 de agosto de 2021. Em menos de uma semana, a canção alcançou mais de 1,5 milhões de acessos. Rapidamente, tornou-se um hino contra o crescente autoritarismo sanitário neofascista que tem violado os direitos individuais no ocidente.

This has gotta stop
Enough is enough
I can’t take this BS any longer

It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door

I knew that something was going on wrong
When you started laying down the law

I can’t move my hands
I break out in sweat
I wanna cry
Can’t take it anymore

This has gotta stop
Enough is enough
I can’t take this BS any longer

It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door

I’ve been around
Long long time
Seen it all
And I’m used to being free

I know who I am
Try to do what’s right
So lock me up and throw away the key

This has gotta stop
Enough is enough
I can’t take this BS any longer

It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door

Thinkin’ of my kids
What’s left for them
And then what’s coming down the road

The light in the tunnel
Could be the southbound train
Lord, please help them with their load

This has gotta stop
Enough is enough
I can’t take this BS any longer

It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door

This has gotta stop
Enough is enough
I can’t take this BS any longer

It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door

(This door)
(This door)
(This door)
(Break down this door)

(This door)
(This door)
(This door)
(Break down this door)
